Lurking in the dankest, moldiest depths of the black metal underground, THE TRUE WEREWOLF has prolifically pursued a vision of malodorous decay and plague-ridden melancholy since 2002. Helmed exclusively by SATANIC WARMASTER mastermind Graf Werwolf, THE TRUE WERWOLF in many senses is the obscure and malnourished shadowside to SATANIC WARMASTER. That shadowside is unequivocally BLACK METAL in its purest and proudest definition, but one shackled to the dungeons of the early/mid '90s: rotten, rabid, blown-out, and bleary, but medieval in a manner most cobwebbed and forgotten. Death Music is the penultimate distillation of THE TRUE WERWOLF aesthetic, compiling tracks from a 10" MLP, two 7" EPs, a split, and an otherwise-unreleased track. At 10 tracks in an hour and now featuring a revised layout, Death Music is a chalice overflowing with ancient poison, daring the listener to imbibe.
This Product was added to our catalogue on 03/04/2023.